Sunday, 15 April 2012

33 Queens Rd

 33 Queens Road 1945
Dear sirs,
I am trying to find photos of queens rd ,where my Grandad lived @ number33.
He said they were very poor ,and ate out tin cans . We know nothing of his side of the family, but the Intrnet is a wonderful tool.
In anticipation,
Derek Pugh


  1. Dear Derek,

    I cannot source any photos of 33 Queens Rd but found some of other properties in the road and some area maps showing the property


    Rob Ainsworth.
    Liverpool History Society

  2. Dear Rob,
    thanks for your prompt reply to my request. The houses on Queens rd were grander than I imagined ,just a few roads away from the middens and cellars.The pictures look like the houses on Shaw st , of a similar era.The maps show the bomb damage sustained in the area, the opposite side of the road is missing. I refered to the book, Port In A Storm for enemy action.

    My Grandfather married in 1922 and moved in with his in laws at 33 Queens rd. HE did well for himself and ended up with 6 butcher shops .
    In the 1901 census he lived on Gt Homer st , with 7 family and 5 lodgers,a new search for information begins.

    Once again,thank you
    Derek Pugh,
