Monday, 23 April 2012

Graphic Motor Works

We have a family photo from about 1929 which is supposed to show my grandpa Jack's garage ("Graphic Motor Works) which is adjacent to a Mitre hotel, on one side (probably the West, from the shadows), the Herald Printing Works on the other side and two doors away on the same side, "The Horse and Farrier Hotel".
We think that the photo is likely to be in Liverpool -since that is where the family had moved to at that time. We have discovered that there was a Mitre Hotel in Dale Street at that time (since rebuilt in the 1930s as the Crown and Mitre) but no directories show a Horse and Farrier or a Herald printing Works.
1929/1930 was a time of world wide depression, so businesses might not have lasted long then, so might have been absent from directories. But can anybody help locate these businesses please.
Ashley Cooper

1 comment:

  1. The Horse and Farrier at Gatley, Cheadle, in Stockport District seems to have a motor vehicle establishment next to it.
